If your child is going to make the most out of their schooling years and get great results, concentration is key. Whilst knowing how to improve focus at school might differ between learners, there are a few things that certainly help. At TrinityHouse, we’re big on supporting our students through as many avenues as we can. It’s why we share informative articles that offer insights and even practical tips.
Want to help your child improve their focus at school? Here’s what you should try.
Look At Diet
The foods we consume have a profound impact on the way our minds and bodies function. It’s why parents wanting to know how to improve focus at school should take a closer look at their
child’s dietary intake. Refined sugars can lead to hyperactivity and lower attention spans. Once the sugar high has worn off, children often become lethargic which can really hamper learning. Look to brain foods like berries, nuts, fatty fish and avocado. Natural sugars can help with energy and alertness without causing a dip like refined ones do. In fact, sugar (glucose) is the brain’s preferred food source just not the kind found in sweets. Give your child some fruit instead.
Keep Your Child Organised
Staying organised is vital if you’re going to help your child increase their attention span. Often, a forgotten book or item is enough of a distraction to derail productivity and potential. Set the tone for staying organised by creating a packing checklist the night before each school day. This will limit forgetfulness and ensure your child can hit the ground running every day. It’ll also prevent those frantic last-minute packing sessions before school.
Create The Right Space At Home And Limit Distractions
Although you’re wanting to help them focus whilst at school, the space that they do their homework in can often impact the way that they grasp learning concepts too. If your child is surrounded by distractions, there’s a good chance that they won’t complete their tasks with the attention that they deserve. Don’t let your child work from the couch or their bed. Instead, help them set up a designated study space that sets the tone for productivity and concentration. At this desk, there should only be tools for completing homework. This means no toys, cell phones or items that they can use to get side-tracked.
Develop A Decent Routine
Studies have shown that children who have a good routine are able to focus better during the day at school. This means a
set bed and wake up time
each day and a realistic schedule for sport, homework and family time. When your child has a good routine, they’ll also be able to use their free time wisely. This is because they have a greater understanding of where their time goes and how valuable it actually is.
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