When it comes to applying to university, the process can seem a little daunting. As another massive step in your educational career, it’s undoubtedly one of the most important applications you will ever submit. From practical pieces of advice to a few unconventional musings, there are many things you should keep in mind during this time. Here are a few of our favourite university application tips.
1) Your chosen university waits for no man
No, really. There are closing dates for applications and if you don’t make note of them there’s a real chance you might miss out on getting accepted. Be proactive and find out everything you can about your chosen university and when you need to submit your application by. Your application needs to be in before the closing date so if you need to send it via post or a courier, be sure to do so with time to spare.
2) Double and triple check everything
One thing that can really ruin your application is submitting incorrect documents or incomplete information. When applying to university, you need to be as thorough as possible. This means running through the application checklist and ensuring you have included the right paperwork. Read through your application several times to make sure that every section has been correctly completed. This includes the relevant signatures as well. You don’t want to have a rejected application once the deadline has closed.
3) It’s something to be taken seriously
Whilst nobody likes filling in paperwork, this is just something that needs to be done. It’s also an important application that could very well influence the rest of your life. Give it the time that it deserves and don’t leave anything to the last minute. If you need certified copies of documents like an ID, get these done beforehand. In fact, get a few extra done so that you always have some on file.
4) Ask for help
Don’t complete your application without help from your mom or dad. You’ll need to include some of their information in your application too so rather set aside some time where you can work on it together. There might also be a few sections that you don’t fully understand so getting assistance from a parent will certainly help.
5) Don’t forget to enjoy the process
Sure, admin can be boring but this is an exciting time that will only happen once in your life. Seize it and appreciate it for all it is worth. Soon, you’ll be attending your chosen university and begin studying towards your choice of programme. These moments are special and although they might seem mundane, we should look to find joy in them too.
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